Three new A9 pilot customers are starting!

Three more golf courses started piloting this week with the Albatros 9 software. One of the great strengths of the new solution comes into play directly – flexibility and independence of location. While some pilot courses use the A9 software directly as a hosted solution, others continue to operate the software as usual in the local network. In both cases, the system is also directly available to employees for external access, for example from their home office or on the go.

All three golf courses have already received intensive onboarding by the Albatros service team and have now started their day-to-day work with them. Here, too, the first feedback from the employees is overwhelmingly good, working with A9 is described as simple, intuitive and very user-friendly.

Albatros is now collecting valuable feedback from the four pilot customers to date and is preparing additional pilot customers for the start of an A9 pilot operation.